Visual Note Taking

Free Offline Visual Note-Taking Tool

Transform your ideas into compelling visuals with Noteey, while effectively structuring and organizing your thoughts. Improve your note-taking experience and bring your structured ideas to life with ease.
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Generate stunning visual notes quickly

Our extensive template library allows you to quickly jot down ideas without worrying about organization.Start working in Noteey using templates to create mind maps, concept maps, flowcharts, and more.

Nested boards for content organization

Unleash your creativity on an infinite canvas and organize your ideas with structure. Use frames and notes to visualize every thought you capture,and make deep connections between them.

Organize ideas and information in a structured manner

Easily connect all your ideas on the boards with lines and arrows, helping you visualize the structure and dig deeper into concepts.

Break down complex ideas effortlessly

With Noteey, visualize your thoughts through images, text, drawings, notes, and mindmaps, seamlessly capturing and organizing inspiration as it strikes.

All features you need

With Noteey, you can organize your ideas easily with free visual note-taking tools. Learn more about the features of Noteey.

Start with a free library of visual notes templates, easy to customize

Intuitive drag-and-drop design tools, even for beginners

Offline publishing, export projects as pcanvas (portable canvas format)

Streamline your workflow by seamlessly integrating your favorite tools with Noteey

Capture inspirations through notes and deepen connections between them

Offline editing allows you to collect thoughts and organize content anytime, anywhere

Offline Visual Notes FAQs

  • Is Noteey's visual note-taking tool free?

  • What can you do with a visual note-taking tool?

  • What are the advantages of taking visual notes?

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