Visual Knowledge Base

Build visual knowledge base for your team

Noteey empowers your team with intuitive tools to integrate information, unleash creativity and enhance productivity. Experience a new level of efficiency and innovation now!
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Intuitive architecture for organizing knowledge

Organize information by project, with each project managed through structured boards. Link all boards together for easy access to all content.

Full-text search, fast and accurate

You can search across the entire knowledge base or within specific projects. Furthermore, search within individual boards to display precise search results.

Support for rich media content

Organize knowledge visually by adding images, text, shapes, embedded web pages, and mindmaps to your knowledge base. Design the content of each board with precision.

All features you need

With Noteey, you can gather your knowledge easily with free knowledge base tools. Learn more about the features of Noteey.

Intuitive drag-and-drop design tools, even for beginners

Supports both desktop and online, allowing users to access the knowledge base anytime

Support collaborative sharing, allowing team members to edit and modify together

Streamline your workflow by seamlessly integrating your favorite tools with Noteey

Create duplicates to preserve historical records and ensure their preservation

Offline editing allows you to collect thoughts and organize content anytime, anywhere

Visual knowledge base for team FAQs

  • Is Noteey's knowledge base tool free?

  • What can you do with visual knowledge base

  • How can I share the knowledge base with others?

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