Admin Sep 13, 2024

V1.7.0 will be shipped in 20th, September:

1. Directly edit cards on the canvas.
2. Desktop Pro users can publish small projects to web (projects smaller than 20M).
3. Support for changing the default storage path.
4. Global backup and restore.
5. Card right-click menu:
  - Add full-screen display mode (with sidebar, popup, and full-screen icons).
  - Add Hide from Card Library (allowing multiple selections at once to be hidden).
  - Support for delete and permanently delete (permanently deleting a card moves it directly from the Library to the trash).
6. Library sidebar in whiteboard: Support for some quick operations on cards.
7. Card Library, support for dragging to select multiple cards.
8. When inserting a card into a card, support for searching for cards.
9. At the bottom of the card, directly display card info (info should be displayed in popup, full-screen, and the sidebar).
10. PDF display of table of contents.
11. Library sidebar in whiteboard can be closed with the ESC key.
12. The selected state in the Library can be closed with the ESC key.
13. In the Library, when confirming deletion, pressing the Enter key will delete.
14. When importing files, a prompt will appear, allowing users to choose between Link/Import mode (in Link mode, the file is not displayed in the Library, and the file is not copied to the application storage location).


New features on the road:

  • Drag PDF highlight to whiteboard(Shipped)
  • Quick connections between cards(Shipped)
  • Insert table in card
  • Block level reference in card
  • Multiple tabs for projects
  • Change default storage local
  • Enable project auto-local-backup in custom folder
  • Add caption to Image
  • Version history for cards and projects
  • Video Highlights
  • Card Highlights



  • Card Library(shipped)
  • Tags(shipped)
  • Web app
  • Card info(include Links and Backlinks, shipped)
  • Deep links of Card,PDF and any element on whiteboard(shipped)
  • Drag PDF highlight to whiteboard(with deeplink to locate to PDF)
  • Templates(Alpha testing)
  • Syncing across devices(Alpha testing)
  • Markdown support(shipped)
  • Codeblock support in card(shipped)



  • Journal
  • Tasks
  • Mobile app
  • Auto local backup
  • Richer text editing in cards (Toggle)
  • Add caption to image
  • Add thumbnail to card and other elements on whiteboard

