With our intuitive platform, you can elevate your presentations to the next level. Effortlessly create stunning slides, engage your audience, and leave a lasting impression.
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Exact control of presentation effects
Use frames to control the presentation size and make sure your display looks the same during editing and on any device.
Edit and present offline
Offline editing allows you to collect thoughts and organize content anytime, anywhere. Offline presentations showcase your work perfectly, regardless of network conditions.
Link to anything and make presentation alive
Seamlessly connect each slide through a link. With just a gentle click, you can directly jump to the slide you want.
Support for rich media content
Add images, text, shapes, embedded web pages, and canvas designs to your presentations, bringing your ideas to life.
All features you need
With Noteey, you can express your ideas easily with free presentation tools.
Learn more about the features of Noteey.
Free library of presentations templates to start your design faster
Intuitive drag-and-drop design tools, even for beginners
Offline publishing, export presentations as pdf or pcanvas (portable format)
Streamline your workflow by seamlessly integrating your favorite tools with Noteey
Online slide show, WYSIWYG, showing all the details of the design exactly
Offline editing allows you to collect thoughts and organize content anytime, anywhere
Offline Presentation FAQs
Is Noteey's presentation tool free?
Yes, Noteey's presentation tool is 100% free. You can create professional presentations with various features like drag-and-drop editor, app integration and multiple elements without any cost.
What can you do with a presentation tool?
A presentation tool allows you to create engaging slides with text, images, lines, videos, and more. Present your presentations seamlessly during meetings or events to express your ideas effectively.
How can I share the presentation with others?
You can export it as a portable canvas file, allowing anyone to open it on their computers with all the data and context intact. Additionally, you can publish your presentation online, enabling anyone to view it through a shared link.